
how can sharon serve you or your ministry?

Sharon is a sought-after speaker for conferences, retreats, seminars, classes, trainings, or workshops. She loves to speak anywhere in the world — to a group of 2 or 2,000.  Sharon taught as Adjunct Faculty at Reformed Theological Seminary, Colorado Christian University, Denver Seminary, Denver University, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology in both under-graduate and graduate counseling courses.  Other subjects Sharon loves to speak on include the courage to abandon ourselves and belong to each other; addiction and life beyond addiction; finding the landmarks of faith, hope, and love in our stories; knowing your sexual ethic – for adolescents, adults, and parents; healing trauma, and self-compassion for caregivers.
Sharon also provides individual counseling for adolescents and adults on a weekly or bi-monthly basis or in the form of intensives (3-4 days of hard work, blood, sweat and tears that is oh, so worth it!). Intensives can include EMDR, somatic therapy, and psychodrama. Call 720-530-1225 for scheduling and pricing.
Sharon lives in Lone Tree, Colorado and is finding freedom and adventure in the empty-nest years.  She loves to travel, read, listen to music, watch baseball (go Rockies!) and spend time with her friends.

“She packed up her potential and all she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes and headed out to change a few things.”  Leigh Standley

Healing” Is My Word For 2024

This year I choose to read my favorite passages from books on Wednesdays at 10 am just because they nourish me. I choose to eat my morning oatmeal out of my favorite bowl and not keep it on the top shelf for special occasions because I don’t want to ration. I choose to wear the sweater that I love but thought might make me look fat, because our bodies hold us and how we treat them tells an important part of our stories about acceptance, beauty, and goodness. I give myself permission to keep healing because I’m coming to believe I’ve spent too much time investing in doing outer-work while God is longing to do inner-work. I choose to let go – really let go of fixing other people, forcing connection. I choose to be grateful for the deep well that is within that has taken years to dig and fill and can be given away in a sip or a gulp in a few seconds, and I and choose to be grateful for those who are wells in my life when I so often find myself thirsty. I choose to walk forward one step at a time following the One who for the joy (meaning me – of all people!) set before Him endured, sacrificed, stormed the gates of hell, became the resurrection and resurrected me.



Love Does, Everybody Always, The Obstacle is the Way, Recovery – Freedom From Our Addictions, Secrets of the Vine, The Tender Bar, The Bright Hour, The Surrender Experiment, Higher is Waiting, Whisky Words & A Shovel, Running Red Dog Road: And Other Perils of Appalachian Childhood, Recovery,  White Privilege, Alexander Hamilton, Small Great Things, The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Sing Unburied Sing, Little Fires Everywhere, Undefended, When Breath Becomes Air, Milk & Honey, Hidden Wholeness, How To be Here, God and His Sexy Body: The Story of Adam and Eve, Falling Into Goodness: Lenten Reflections, Straight Pepper Diet, Hillbilly Elegy, Wishful Drinking, Blackout, The Poems of Hafiz, Immortal Diamond, This Day, The Gift of Addiction: How God Redeems Our Pain, Scary Close, The Crossroads Between Should & Must, Discovering the Magic of Tidying Up Your Life, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Chasing the Scream, Pornland, The Body Keeps the Score, Trauma and the Heart of God, God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect their Bodies, A Scandalous Freedom, Three Free Sins, Ragamuffin Gospel, Telling Stories, To Be Told, Beautiful Boy, Broken, All is Grace, Why I Stopped Going to Church, Abba’s Child, Dance Lessons for Zombies, Addiction & Grace, The Good & Beautiful Life, Falling Upward: A  Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, The Spirituality of Imperfection, Julian of Norwich — Showings, Welcome to My Country, Ruthless Trust, Lost & Found, Hope Again Darkness: The Transforming Vision of Saint Francis in an Age of Anxiety,  Three Free Sins,  All That Is Bitter & Sweet, Traveling Mercies. Holy Hunger, Practice Resurrection: A Conversation on Growing Up, Drinking: A Love Story, The Tragedy & Comedy of the Gospel. Any poetry by Mary Carr or Gerard Manley Hopkins.



Anything from Maverick City Music or Tribl, – from Andy Gullahorn – Everything As It Should Be, Stu Garrad – The Beatitudes, Chance the Rapper, Jenn Johnson – In Over My Head, Son of Laughter – No Story is Over, Lauren Daigle – Look Up Child, Andrew Peterson – The Burning Edge of Dawn, Scott Mulvahill – Top of the Stairs, Fernando Ortega – The Crucifixion of Jesus, Lady Gaga – Shallows, Benjamin Tod from the Lost Street Band – Using Again, Dirt On Your Hands, Jill Phillips – Lead Me Home, Avett Brothers – True Sadness, Steffanie Gretzinger – The Undoing, Audrey Assaud Fortunate Fall,  Gungor, Rachel Cohen, Pete Geiger, Cedarwood Road, Missi Hale, Macklemore, Sharla Jackson, Shaun McDonald, U2, Rachel Platten, Rich Mullins, Keith Green, Of Monsters and Men, Mavis Staples, Andrew Peterson, Third Day, Metallica, John Denver, Adele, The Carpenters, JJ Heller, David Wilcox, Sara Grove, Mumford & Sons, Vignette, After The Storm – A Compilation after Hurricane Katrina, Plumb, for King & Country, Ashley Cleveland, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Josh Bales, Johnny Cash, Shane & Shane, Jimmy Wayne



The Tender Bar, Beautiful Boy, The Courage to Love, Recovery Boys, The Anonymous People, The Hunt for the Wilderpeople, This is Life, A Star is Born, Wind River, The Judge, 13 Conversations About One Thing, I Am Elizabeth Smart, Arrival, Lion, Silence, Fences, Hidden Figures, The Mask You Live In, The Shack, Wild, Inside Out, Game-Changer, Men, Women & Children, Spotlight, The Martian, Sicario, Amy, The Stanford Prison Experiment,Working Girl, Pretty Woman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Into the Wild, Lord of the Rings (all of them), Beautiful, Chocolat, Leaving Las Vegas, Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Little Miss Sunshine, Crash, The Help



“The greatest enemy of the spiritual life is self-rejection BECAUSE it contradicts the Voice that calls you Beloved.” Henri Nouwen

“The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of man, because His compulsion is our liberation.”  Henri Nouwen

“I guess we’re simply not meant to understand some things.  Bono,of U2, says that his favorite song is ‘ Amazing Grace ’ and his second favorite is ‘Help Me Make it Through the Night,’ and most of the time, I have to let it go at that.”  Anne Lamott

“God does not take away life; He finds a way to bring the exile back.” (1 Samuel 14:14, The Message)

“Acceptance is my answer to all my problems today . . . ” Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

“No one told me that when I wear a mask, people love my mask.” John Lynch

“He was supreme in the beginning and — leading the resurrection parade — he is supreme in the end.  From beginning to end he’s there, towering far above everything, everyone.  So spacious is he, so roomy, that everything of God finds its proper place in him without crowding.  Not only that, but all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe . . . get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the Cross” (Colossians 1).

“Anyone can slay a dragon,” he said, “but try waking up and loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero.”  Brian Andreas

“The miracle came announced and in an odd package. . .it looked different than she had imagined. . .unpolished, untimely, unexpected. . .unpretentious. . .Yet it fit perfectly.  Divinely constructed solely for her.” Kristin Jongen

Sharon is a licensed professional counselor, author, and sought-after speaker for conferences, retreats, seminars, classes, trainings, or workshops.
Copyright © 2025 Sharon A. Hersh All Rights Reserved. Designed And Developed By  Conception Masters
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