live a good story

Change the trajectory of your story and join the stories around you with faith, hope, and love.

Let’s walk the healing path together – through addiction, trauma, relationship challenges, and faith discovery. Therapy will invite you to the deeper stories that always intersect with your worst moments and most mundane days and will transform you as the truest Storyteller surprises you with grace and freedom. If you feel stuck or alone, let courage lead you to finding a rescue story and the love story that you have been looking for all your life

Sharon A. Hersh


how can sharon serve you or your ministry?

Sharon is a Licensed Professional Counselor, sought-after speaker, and the author of several books. She has won multiple awards for her work, including Best Addiction & Trauma Therapist in 2023. Sharon is the mother of two adult children and loves Colorado Rockies baseball! She lives in Lone Tree, Colorado.

Go to recent podcast: This is Your Wake-Up Call


Belonging is a story that makes you feel at home just by hearing it. Belonging is like a family where everything is all right. Belonging turns a light on in the dark. It’s a love that always cares and will never leave you. If you have a heart, it will break. Belonging heals the broken heart.

- Sharon Hersh

Therapeutic Offerings

Therapeutic offerings include individual, couples, and group counseling via in-person sessions, telehealth sessions, and intensive counseling sessions. As you choose the appropriate setting for you, we will uncover redemptive connections, reorientation in the midst of adversity, and regenerative growth along the healing path.



Sharon’s books illuminate hope with heart-wrenching transparency. Find your story, move beyond your secrets, and find healing through pain. Sharon points us toward a God big enough to sweep us all into the community of the beloved – the place where we are finally free and ultimately Home.

About This Book

What would happen if you declared that life is not all about your pain, your accomplishments, your abuse, or your rights? If you long for a deeper, more meaningful story, Sharon Hersh will show you how to courageously walk into unexpected places of truth and connection—to each other and to a God whose love and longing is so vast that he has woven you into his story.
The Last Addiction
Why Self Help is Not Enough!
Begin Again, Believe Again
Embracing the Courage to Love with Abandon
Unlocking the Courage to Love with Abandon.
Mom, I hate my life!
Becoming your Daughter’s Ally in Developing a Healthy Body Image


Sharon is available to speak to small and large groups, women’s retreats, all-church retreats, mother/daughter events, parenting conferences, and other organizational events.


What stories are you willing to walk into? Whether it be on Facebook, in a small group, or at the grocery store? “What makes the Gospel good news is who it pursues, not who it excludes.” – Rachel Held Evans.

Tuesdays together

We are counting down to the next presidential election and I have invited you to join me on Tuesdays to wonder together if and how this season can be healing instead of further breaking us apart.

Life in the Minivan

Thirty years later I can tell you that I never figured out that formula. But I tried. I really wanted to believe that good parenting was about good outcomes, and that the Bible was the answer book.

The Perfect Storm

Has your life ever felt like the perfect storm? Are you filled with fear and emptied of faith? Join me as we look at a story about a napping Savior, a stormy sea, and a life-changing question: “Where is your faith?”

Sharon is a licensed professional counselor, author, and sought-after speaker for conferences, retreats, seminars, classes, trainings, or workshops.
Copyright © 2025 Sharon A. Hersh All Rights Reserved. Designed And Developed By  Conception Masters
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