The next videocast in the Radically Redemptive Relationships: 2 Woman Find Common Ground for the Sake of Love is about Scandalous Relationships. You can watch it at https://youtu.be/ui72Q07ECMY. We all
The next videocast in the Radically Redemptive Relationships: 2 Woman Find Common Ground for the Sake of Love is about Scandalous Relationships. You can watch it at https://youtu.be/ui72Q07ECMY. We all
In the wake of yet another scandal we are discovering that all the ways that the Internet allows us to connect are also baffling, cunning, and insidious ways to disconnect.
Alone. Several weeks ago the History Channel began to chronicle the fascinating and sometimes bone-chilling stories of, “Ten men who enter the Vancouver Island wilderness carrying only what they
A stately Norwegian man with white hair and sparkling blue eyes stood before a bunch of beat-up, bedraggled, brave women. He was giving us some final words before we
It’s been almost three months since I last posted a Salvation Story. Time does truly fly sometimes, doesn’t it? There isn’t a tragic or wonderful reason I haven’t written. I’ve
I took a fast from Facebook because I was getting bogged down in emails, appointments, blogs to be written, etc., etc. In other words, I was getting crushed under the
“The invisible dragon roared, I cowered, and what I’ve called “the impostor” was born, a shadow to the my eight-year-old life. The impostor is a fake version of yourself, and
“Count back from one hundred,” the anesthesiologist prompted me with the standard cue that ushers surgery patients into a safe oblivion. In those split seconds before everything went blank I remember
BEFORE READING: Please know that my intention in writing the blog below was not to shame anyone. Quite honestly I wrote this blog immediately after watching the 20/20 program and
Dating update for all you kind enough to ask: I’ve had my first, awkward, anxiety-filled date. It was not a match. The second “opportunity” is this week! Today I went