Three weeks ago my friend, Nick Richtsmeier and I began The Convos – a conversation on Facebook (about the worst place to have a conversation) based on our belief that
Three weeks ago my friend, Nick Richtsmeier and I began The Convos – a conversation on Facebook (about the worst place to have a conversation) based on our belief that
If you missed CONVO #1 on SAVING CONVERSATION, you can listen by copying this link and clicking: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Asfc_1Nx41LwgYdffizom47EM7fPHQ or go to www.facebook.com/sharonhersh. Yes, I introduced myself as an almost 60 year-old
Do you want to have a conversation after the election? A conversation that’s not about “them?” This is about us. It’s a conversation about listening. It’s about speaking without resorting